2021-10-29 11:01:50

Europska oznaka kvalitete
Iznimno smo ponosni! 
eTwinning projekt "EPAS EUROPE DAY 2021 - United In Diversity" kojeg je osmislila naša ambasadorica seniorka Europskog parlamenta profesorica Marina Cvijić i provela s našim vrijednim ambasadorima juniorima te partnerima iz Austrije, Mađarske, Švedske, Portugala, Litve i Latvije povodom Dana Europe nagrađen je i Europskom oznakom kvalitete! 🇪🇺🎉🏆
Evo što su nam poručili iz eTwinning-a:   "Congratulations! Your school has been awarded the European Quality Label for the excellence of the work in the eTwinning project "EPAS Europe Day 2021 - United In Diversity". This means that your work, the work of your students and your school have been recognised at the highest European level.   As a result you will receive a certificate which you can attach to your website(s) and display in a prominent position in your school. Also, your project will be displayed in a special area on the European Portal at www.etwinning.net."   Nadamo se i veselimo budućim suradnjama 

Gimnazija "Matija Mesić" Slavonski Brod